Is she outdoorsy? Has a sense of adventure? Go on a sunrise hike at the crack of dawn, or wait until the evening sunset. Propose under the picturesque backdrop with a picnic waiting for her at the top of the mountain.
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She means everything to me. I knew for sure that I wanted to marry her within our first year together, and I knew exactly how I wanted to ask her to be mine.
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While Megan was in undergrad she traveled to D.C. for her friend’s birthday party to celebrate at a lounge. Vontae was not planning to go out that night, but being dragged by his brother he went to the same lounge.
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When we got there, the lights were on and the gate was unlocked so my dad wanted to explore. JD was waiting between the 7 and 6 yard line ( he was #76 when he played) with the heart jewelry box he made me for our first Christmas on a table his grandfather made for his parents’ wedding.
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Whether you’re rooting for the same team or glaring sweetly at each other while donning opposing team jerseys, you’re that fun, competitive couple who looks forward to sporting events like a kid waiting for Santa.
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As if jet skiing under the sunset wasn’t romantic and exotic enough, Todd wanted to make the moment extra special by proposing.
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