Plan your easter marriage proposal! Are you going on a family reunion? Get your parents, sisters, brothers, etc to help with popping the question.
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This is just one of those things, in my opinion, that you don’t do. Setting up like you’re going to propose and being nervous and all is one thing… but doing it knowing full well you don’t mean it? Yeah… I would have dumped him. So, guy calls girlfriend to come meet him and leaves …
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We are in the season of Lent and Easter is headed our way. Weather you celebrate the holiday or not, it offers quite a few chances to propose in adorable and creative ways. Here are just four of them! 1. Easter Egg Hunt. If you’re part of a church, or a big family, or even …
More »Just this past week, some guy pulled the craziest Easter proposal I’ve ever seen. He dresses up in an Easter Bunny costume and “runs into” his girlfriend while she’s randomly walking with some friends in the area. They take some candy, which has the ring inside of a hollow bunny. Eventually he gets down on …
More »There are plenty of holidays that hog proposals. Christmas, New Years, and of course Valentines Day are among the most popular. Even Thanksgiving snags a couple good ones each year. But there are some holidays that just seems to go unnoticed in the proposal world and I’m not sure why. Easter to me is one …
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