Most Tacky Wedding Dresses EVER


I feel as though I have to end this week with a bang, so I came across this website where they have the most heinous wedding dresses/accessories I have ever seen, and I just had to share this compilation of ugly with everyone. Let the hilarity ensue…


This dress might possibly have the worlds biggest bow attached to it. I think it even rivals Aretha Franklin’s bow at the Inauguration this Tuesday, which unfortunately for comedic sake I cannot find a picture of.


AHHHHH birds! Besides the dress being ugly as sin, the wacky and tacky head gear is channeling Alfred Hitchcock’s movie The Birds. Eeek!


I know some people take their love of sports to an extreme, but come onnnn. Why!??


Her hat looks like a swim cap and the bouquet got into a fight. I’m not sure who won; my guess is the swim cap? Also, if you look quickly she kinda looks like an alien from Mars Attacks.


I’ve got nothing…this is just awful


Who invited Napoleon Bonaparte to the wedding?? Oh wait, that’s the bride? Oops.


This is a bit ostentatious don’t you think? I’m not sure what’s worse, the fact she looks like an ugly white peacock, or the fact that she’s using a baby as an accessory.


I wonder what channels she’s picking up with this thing?

This can’t be real.. I mean if you entered it into a contest for being a good example of recycling maybe it would win. She’s wearing a shower curtain for Christ’s sake!

I just want to thank for giving me a good laugh this morning. Go visit this site if you want to see ugly dresses of all sorts.


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Comments (5)


  1. tonya says:

    OH my heavenly days… have you seen It’s UNREAL what some people will do….

  2. Tina T says:

    Awesome collection of ugly wedding gown photos. Can’t decide between the bird one or the 76ers.

  3. Hi !

    I find this very useful to girls&boys who want to be married.

    It had great weeding dress which had good designs


  4. I just love those dresses. Why did you put them under ugly,tacky dresses. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. sarah stokes says:

    1 word U…G…L…Y…………..

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