I wanted to share with you my experience with a great book I just read, very relevant to me and some of you. I still read Jezebel but really miss Lindy West’s voice and the days she was part of the editorial team . So I could not contain my excitement when her first book Shrill was announced. It did not disappoint though I wanted to read even more! The reasons I highly recommend this book are many but the one that connected the most with me is how she found her voice as a big girl.
Born in the skinny land of France with contrary genetics, I am in awe of all these successful millennial women that are at last fighting successfully against “normal” beauty standards and the perception that when your BMI is higher than “normal”, you most certainly spend you days on your sofa binging on Doritos. Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Ashley Graham, Tess Holliday and Lindy are paving the way for a new generation of girls who will feel beautiful and worthy. They have already helped this girl Sev feel so much better about herself. And create the most badass hashtags such as #effyourbeautystands and #imsizesexy.
Shrill is a must read. It is empowering to women who don’t fit in. It will help you find your voice if you haven’t yet. It will give you a new perspective on feminism and internet comments. My favorite parts are when Lindy talks about her relationship. It gets so real. As a big girl who was many time made to think she did not deserve it all, Lindy got an amazing proposal and went all in for her wedding. You can buy Shrill here.
Photo by Jenny Jiminez, “Jenny is a Seattle-based photographer available for travel. Her eye is drawn to the humor & humane.” @photojennyj