3 Things Men Love About You, and 3 Things They Hate


Relationships are all about give and take – and to be in a healthy one, you have to take the good with the bad. Even if you’re guy is about to get down on one knee and proclaim his undying love for you, there are probably some things that get on his nerves a little bit. It’s normal and very common for couples to get on each other’s last nerve, but luckily, the things you love about each other often outweigh the bad (or you wouldn’t be together, right?). We talked to married men who are still madly in love with their wives to get the truth behind what they really love – and don’t like so much about their spouses.

They Love the Way You Smell

It’s almost like a drug for guys. When you’re away and they smell something that lingers your scent, it makes them miss and want you even more. It’s one of the most primal instincts that men have and something that you can always count on.

They Hate When You Beg For Compliments

You know you’re gorgeous and though you might need some reassurance during that specific time of the month, most men don’t want to have to dote on you constantly. Confidence is a turn-on, so have some!

They Love How You Make Everything Easier

Women are natural organizers and keepers of the home. We’re always making sure everything is running smoothly, birthdays are remembered, favorite dishes are cooked and backs are rubbed. This puts your man at ease and makes him so incredibly comfortable with you.

They Hate When You Nag

Yes, he does need to pick up the laundry. He should remember to get the red onions, not the white ones. He probably needs to work out more and lose that extra weight he’s gained. But you know what? The more you pester him about things, the less desirable you are. Come up with creative ways to get him to help out without ruining your relationship.

They Love Your Heart

Thoughtfulness goes a long way with men: leaving little notes just because, sending a dirty text message midday, picking up his favorite ice cream flavor. Remembering to do these small things makes a big difference in your long-term relationship.

They Hate Feeling Not Good Enough

It’s true – ego is everything to a dude. If you’re constantly coming up with ways you could improve or he could, how your relationship should be different, he gets bugged out. More importantly, he feels like he’s not making you happy and that’s the worst prescription for failure.

By Aurora Brown

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