Proposal at Ed Sheeran Concert


It’s always fun when celebrities get in on proposals. Wednesday night in Austin, Ed Sheeran stopped in the middle of a performance and basically said, “I have no idea what’s going to happen next.” He stepped aside and invited two fans on stage, handing the microphone over to the guy and just sitting back to enjoy the show.

I mean, how cute is Ed? He just grabs his water bottle and starts watching as intently as I’m sure everyone in the audience was, as though he was just part of the crowd.

Anyway. So around 3:35 said guy starts an incredibly romantic speech to his girlfriend, letting her know how much he loves her. My favorite line is right before he proposes when he says, “God only made one perfect answer for one perfect question” (4:50). He then dramatically pulls out the ring, showing it to the crowd (who probably can only see that his hand is in the shape of holding something) and gets down on one knee.

I love how Ed doesn’t stand up until he figures he’s given the couple their moment. All I have to say is, I wouldn’t mind this proposal one bit– especially if my boyfriend had a flare for the dramatics like this guy did!


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