“Up” Inspired Proposal


Charlie and Stephanie met through some friends, but never really connected until some Tumblr chatting started to happen. Once Charlie introduced Stephanie to his son, Rex, she knew he was the guy for her.

Stephanie and Charlie were all about Disney, and on more than one occasion they had talked about the future, wedding plans, and how Stephanie wanted a Disney Pixar’s Up themed wedding, her favorite movie. She had even imagined her proposal, but hadn’t shared those details with Charlie. Somehow, he knew just what she wanted.

On their two year anniversary, they planned a trip to Disney to celebrate. Stephanie gave Charlie his present in the morning (a new bike), but he insisted she wait until later that day to open her gift. After plenty of celebrating,they returned to her apartment and he presented her with a box wrapped in Disney paper. Slowly, she opened it.

In the box was “Our Adventure Book”.

“I knew as soon as I saw it what was happening. In the book were our adventures: Disney trips, theater shows, our graduations, and even our trip to D.C a few weeks beforehand. I cried as I flipped through the pages. I got to the page titled “Stuff We’re Going To Do” Charlie had filled pages with future plans, like trips that we wanted to take, and at the very end was a page with a ring attached that said “Will You Marry Me?” I was sobbing I was so happy! He knew what I wanted.”

I am so jealous of this proposal. Since my hubby and I eloped when we were really young, we didn’t have a “real” wedding. Now that we’ve started talking about a vow renewal ceremony, we’ve talked about making it Up themed. It seems we’re not the only ones who love Carl and Ellie’s love story.

Stephanie has confirmed that they are definitely planning an Up wedding.


Photo Credit: Stephanie Lynn

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