5 Signs Your Engagement is Doomed


angry_coupleEverything might seem fine now, but maybe you quickly realize there are little things about your potential spouse that are off putting. Things that make you question them, your relationship and whether the two of you should be getting hitched or not. And although you might try to turn a blind eye toward the problem hoping it’ll automatically heal when you walk down the aisle, you know deep down inside that you must get out now!! Below is a list of signs your engagement is doomed for failure and how to avoid it. You’ll thank us for this later.

1. You butt heads over money
Everyone knows weddings are a huge expense, and every couple sits down and discusses the wedding budget together. This period of wedding planning is a great test to see how the two of you work together when it comes to money. If things are working out poorly, perhaps this is an omen of some pretty negative things to come. new jordan For example, if the two of you have radically different expectations for the wedding (you want the reception at a 5-star hotel; he wants it at a bingo hall…) then perhaps the two of you are just too fiscally different.

2. Has a secret past
It might seem like you know everything about each other, but what if the other is hiding something — a history or past life. Perhaps you come across certain pictures or items from their past that suddenly makes them secretive, withdrawn and…shady. For the love of Jeebus, run for your life! Who knows what demons this psycho might have in their closet. If you’re planning to devote your life to someone, their past should be as open as a book.

3. Is nonchalant about marriage
If you have to literally drag them to the altar and force them at gunpoint to say “yes,” why bother? Some people still cling to their past and think commitment is a sign of old age; no longer will they get to play the field, be free. Leave these people on the side of the road. They’ll come around eventually, but your potential spouse should be someone who loves you unconditionally, not someone who can be with or without you.

4. They’re boring
OK, so not everyone is the life of the party, but every relationship gets to a point where the couple gets bored. Perhaps it’s lack of an active social life outside of each other or lack of sex (most likely the latter), but if these problems are still occurring, make sure it’s fixed before marching down the alter. If not, you’re in for a looong honeymoon.

5. He/she is untrustworthy
This is a no-brainer, but lots of people go into relationships hoping their loved ones will change by the stroke of a magical wedding band appearing on their finger. The reality is: you get what you paid for (well, you know what I mean). If he or she was an untrustworthy jerk when you met them, he or she will probably continue to be an untrustworthy jerk. And spending a lifetime checking their cell phone for questionable text messages is such a waste of energy. Don’t bother.

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Comments (3)


  1. Laura King says:

    every girl should hire a pi before she gets married. you never kow what you wil find . I found out that my man got two girls pregnant! dogs

  2. linneawrites says:

    It’s a hard thought to face: the one you love and want to be with forever not being in the picture. I knew a girl who had a fiance. After about a year, he told her that he wasn’t sure he wanted to marry her. That was the only reason, but it was enough. Eventually. It was almost another year before he restated his views more firmly, and she had to admit that it wasn’t going to work out. Broke her heart.

  3. jackie says:

    how do i find out if my daughter and her boy friend could be on the show

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