If you’re thinking of getting engaged and you still haven’t met your potential spouse’s parents, it can sometimes be an intimidating affair. Family support is a strong backbone for relationships; without that support it could lead to problems in the future. So obviously you want to be on your best behavior and charm the pants off those future in-laws, but how?
Well, assuming you don’t have the family from hell, here are three helpful tips you want to remember when engaging your loved one’s family:
1. Don’t talk about politics, religion or any hot button issue
Pro-life? Who cares, shut up. The absolute last thing you want to do is anger the parents, which is pretty easy to do if you bring up topics everyone has a strong opinion on. Unless you’re lucky enough to be in a room full of people that all share the same morals and ideals as you (fat chance), you should keep quiet about topics that could be deemed controversial.
2. Don’t just sit and be waited on
I once over heard my aunt talking about her stepson’s fiancee. She was complaining about how every time his fiancee comes over she eats all the food, says thanks, and never offers to wash a single dish. Ouch. This is just proper dinner etiquette 101. If someone invites you to dinner, the least you can do is set the table, clear the table; just something to show you’re friendly and helpful. No one likes a guest who just shows up and cleans out the fridge.
3. Don’t try to pretend you know something you don’t
If the whole family is talking about ballet, then don’t pretend you know everything about ballet. You can still be true to yourself and pleasant, well-behaved at the same time. You don’t want the family to think you’re vapid or fake by pretending to know something you don’t. If you think you’re not participating enough in the conversation, try to steer it in another direction (this doesn’t mean blabbing about yourself either).