3 Star Gazing Proposal Ideas


Summer time is just about here. It’s June, people! What’s more romantic than having a midnight picnic under the stars with a proposal? I don’t think I can answer that. Here are three ideas for some star-gazing proposals!

1. Pack a Picnic and your telescope. Go out on one of the warmest nights of the summer to a remote spot, pack some snacks (including some coffee if needed!) and check out the stars. There is nothing that can make you feel more human and small than looking at the infinity of space. What a perfect opportunity to tell her that you want to spend your short amount of time on Earth with her as your wife.

2. Buy her a star. I’m sorry, but naming a star after your girlfriend is never cheesy. You could even name the star, “When she said yes” or something like that so she clues in to what is about to happen. I would only suggest doing this if she’s able to find the star on the map, though. I am not astronomically smart, but if your girl is into it then there’s no way you can go wrong with this idea! Noted: I don’t think it makes it any less romantic if you can’t actually find the star in the sky, because she’ll know it’s there.

3. Call out constellations. Finding constellations in the sky is always fun. If you don’t like to find ones that exist, or aren’t very savvy with the stars, you can always trace shapes and show each other what you found. Take an opportunity to tell her you see a ring, or a diamond, and get down on one knee.

You can’t expect a shooting star, but if you’re lucky enough to see one, take that as your sign that the moment is right. What’s better than a falling star to wish on for the perfect proposal? Tell her to make a wish, and while her eyes are closed get down on knee. She’ll know her wish came true.


Photo Credit: Star Pulse

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