Christmas Proposals


christmas-treeWe hear a lot of proposal stories that happen during Christmas. After all, it is a pretty convenient day for an engagement (Friends and family? Check. Presents? Check. Big, fancy meal? Check). But here’s one Christmas proposal story we thought was really unique:

Megan and Jimmy, a couple from Penn., was sharing Christmas together with Megan’s family. After the usual morning gift opening, all the women got to work on the big holiday dinner. After realizing they needed a few things from the store, Megan’s dad and Jimmy left to pick up a few things. About 30 minutes later, Megan got a phone call from her Dad who told her he had a flat tire and needed her to drive out and pick him up.

VannaK_Postcard1As she neared the location she started to notice signs stuck in the ground along the roadway. The first said her name, and then others followed that said things like: “You complete me.” “You are my everything.” “I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you in my life.” “I love you with all that I am.”

And finally, “Will you marry me?”.

And then, standing at the end of the sign, was Jimmy on one knee holding a gorgeous Vanna K engagement ring with rose petals all over the ground in front of him. Megan, of course, pulled over, squealed and said, “Yes!”

Gifts, an engagement ring and a delicious holiday dinner. Doesn’t get any better than that!

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Comments (1)


  1. That is so sweet. Some guys are such complete romantics. What lucky gals to find one :) (glad I did)

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