Oklahoma Proposal After Devastating Tornadoes


We all watched the news last week on the edge of our seats as devastation struck Moore, OK. Like with all natural disasters, we like to find the happiness underneath all the rubble.

The man and the woman in this video are from Moore, OK. Their neighborhood was completely demolished. As the faculty at the woman’s job is grouping around her, they tell her they are presenting her with a gift in hopes that it will come in handy while she’s waiting to return to her home. Even at this point she’s all choked up.

Her boyfriend took the opportunity to propose, knowing if they could face this hardship together, they could face anything.

My favorite part of the proposal is after she unwraps her boyfriend and says yes, this blonde woman rushes over and basically sticks her camera in their faces. I’m not sure if this classifies as capturing or intruding on the moment.

Special congratulations to this couple that has found happiness amidst so much sadness.



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