Viral Central Park Proposal a Hoax


central-park-proposal-capAbout a month ago, a video of an adorable marriage proposal recorded at Central Park hit the web. In the video, a group of friends used iPhones to secretly record “Frank” proposing to his girlfriend “Kasey.” Once the video went viral, many people immediately began to doubt the video’s authenticity, with many believing it was a marketing ploy to promote Apple products. We also had a theory of our own. But, according to Mashable, the video wasn’t an Apple commercial in disguise; the video was made for a new marketing company called Thinkmodo, which will launch January of next year.

“Since viral videos are both art and science, we wanted to merge both elements to introduce predictability to the videos’ success,” Michael Krivicka, founder of Thinkmodo, told Mashable. “As part of our ’study’ we staged an elaborate marriage proposal in Central Park and fused tech and romance to see how well each would be received if merged.”

A tad anticlamatic if you ask us. Let’s hope this doesn’t start a plethora of fake viral videos, especially proposal videos.

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