More Couples Sleeping in Separate Beds


couple-bedroom2Most people today view married couples who sleep in separate beds as something from a different era. Mike and Carol from the The Brady Brunch slept in side-by-side beds, and even they eventually chucked that in favor for a king-sized bed in the later seasons.

But according to a recent study, sleeping in separate beds is no longer something our grandparents only do. Nearly one in four American couples sleep in separate bedrooms or beds, the National Sleep Foundation reported in a 2005 survey. And if that doesn’t sound shocking enough, the foundation is predicting a rise of dual-master bedrooms to emerge in 2015. Wait, what? What’s with society’s massive step backward?

Well, according to a column in The New York Times, they blame the obvious culprit — technology. There was also a significant amount of blame put on children and snoring. But out of all the excuses the reasoning that makes the most sense is society placing sleep at a higher priority. It turns out we would much rather get our beauty rest in the guest bedroom than listen to our hubby watch TV and text on his Blackberry.

Do you and your partner sleep in separate beds/rooms?

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