Why Being "Just Friends" First is Good for Your Relationship


just_friendsComedian Chris Rock once said there was no such thing as platonic relationships. “They’re just friends you haven’t f–ked…yet,” he jeered in his trademark “Rock” way. But how true were his words? I’m sure everyone has those friends of the opposite sex they consider their “buddy” (they love each other like siblings, they hug with their butts sticking out, whatever).

But the majority of the time, these relationships always morph into something else, something more intimate. And there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, relationship expert Kristen Houghton blogged that dating friends is the best way to a strong, long-lasting relationship: “It pays to remember that great guy friends make great romantic partners. If you’re worried that there’s no immediate ‘spark of love’ with him, take heart and be patient. The best lovers need to be friends first.”

I agree to an extent, but forcing someone from “friend” to “boyfriend/girlfriend” territory isn’t always easy. There are just some people you would never be sexually attracted to, and “settling” is too 1950s for modern couples. But on the other hand, building a relationship out of friendship won’t only be easier on the both of you, but also might encourage a more laid-back approach to the way you two communicate.

Who here was friends with their fiance first before officially dating?

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  1. It is amazing how we can be friends with a man, share a great deal of lives with him, feel totally comfortable and have fun with him, and never see him as a mate!

    Many thanks, Tiffany for quoting me. This is a great magazine!

  2. BK says:

    I guess we do not specifically choose to date friends. When it happened it happens. For myself, I am a weirdo. I have never dated anyone whom I have no interest in. Only when I am interested in a girl than I will date her and be interested to find out more about her. For female friends, I will be engaged in them and I have some close female friends but we have never dated; maybe lunch or dinner to catch up and I have never considered such appointments as dates.

    In so speaking, I only agree to a certain extent that “dating friends is the best way to a strong, long-lasting relationship.” Between friend and partner, there is still a different expectation in most people. As partner, one is prepared to accept the package that comes with the other person. But one does not need to accept the package that friend brings along.

  3. Nicole-Lynn says:

    I’m not yet engaged, but my boyfriend and I have been together for 7 years and we were friends before we started dating for about 2 years! I think that’s the way to go…

  4. Earth says:

    I think friendship before relationship was the best path to follow(for us at least)! My boyfriend and I met 12 years ago and built a wonderful friendship throughout the years! We have now been dating for a year and are discussing our future as husband and wife! I love that we know eachother’s family and can talk about the past and laugh about it! I couldn’t be happier!

  5. Discoking says:

    Great Blog!……There’s always something here to make me laugh…Keep doing what ya do :)

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