The Pumpkin Spice Latte is back, which means it’s not too early to start thinking pumpkin when it comes to proposing. Here are three ideas!
1. Carve it out. You have many options here. Host a pumpkin carving party and have everyone in on the fun, carving a letter for each pumpkin. Carve pumpkins together and have your secret message hidden until your grand reveal. Surprise her with a carved pumpkin on her porch, in a pumpkin patch– see what I mean?
2. Pumpkin Patch. Go on a hot date to a local pumpkin patch or farmer’s market for the fall. Place the ring on the stem of a little pumpkin and tell her you found the perfect one. Hand her the surprise, then drop to one knee (once she’s noticed the pumpkin’s accessory).
3. Put it IN the pumpkin. Hollow out your pumpkins for carving. Offer to take out the ‘guts’ of hers and once it’s nice and clean put the ring inside. Just make sure to be like, “Make sure it’s clean enough before you put the light in it, honey.” What a way to find the ring!
Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of Facebook, originally taken by Casey Robey.