What to do when your proposal doesn’t go as planned


Kisses in the rain can be romantic (Hello "The Notebook" fantasies), so don't let a little rain deter you from your proposal plans. (Photo courtesy of EasilyEntertainedBlog.com)

Inspired by the guy who still pulled off a fantastic proposal despite Hurricane Sandy changing his plans, we thought we’d clue you in on some secrets on how to be prepared when the unthinkable happens. After all, after all that planning for your perfect proposal, are you really going to let a little bit of Murphy’s Law keep you from the one you love? We think not.

1. You plan an outdoor proposal and it rains…

Nothing is more unpredictable than the weather. And when you plan a beautiful walk in the park or a carriage ride on a sunny day, nothing can put a bigger damper on the plan than rain. But why let a little water stop your proposal? Rain can be one of the most romantic settings during the great outdoors (unless crazy wind is thrown into the mix). We say, go with the flow! Some of the most romantic moments in movies and on TV happen in the rain. Remember the Notebook? Yeah, a lot of girls fantasize over that kiss. And check out this proposal from the famous 90s TV series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Skip ahead to minute 1:50 to see what we’re talking about.

2. You plan a romantic camping trip that got cancelled…

So your car broke down, your lady caught the flu, or a hurricane decided to hit town– why throw your plans out the window because of the unexpected? This is when you channel your inner child and set up camp in your living room. Microwave s’mores anyone? She’ll find the effort endearing and very romantic. It’ll definitely be a memory neither of you will ever for get.

3. She gets injured mid proposal…

So you planned something adventurous and heart-racing! Sounds great… until your future wife twisted her ankle hiking, broke her arm when she fell out of the white water rafting vessel or got whiplash bungee jumping. Whatever you do, DON’T freak out. First, make sure your wife gets the medical attention she needs. Then, after you know she’s okay, pop the question and work a little “for better for worse” wordage in there. She’ll complete melt. Just remember to wait until after she’s been attended to. Proposing while she’s covered in blood or in agony is not the way you’re going to want to start your marriage.

4. The people you counted on to execute it, failed…

So you planned a big proposal and asked people to help you pull it off. Either something happened to them (like traffic or family emergency) or they just really missed the ball. Either way, you have two options 1) reschedule the grand event or 2) find a way to delay her to buy you extra time or 3) propose anyway in a more simpler fashion. The most important thing to remember about planning elaborate proposals is to always have a Plan B that’s unique to your original plan. And remember, sometimes simpler is better. After all, she’s wanting to marry you– not the proposal you planned.


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