The Big List of Awful Gifts for Him


OK, so we did the big list of awful gifts for her, now it’s his turn.

So guys’ taste on gift buying can be a little shake-y, but women are no better; sometimes their less-than smart choices can be awfully lazy. Does your fiance really need another razor? Here’s a list of some shabby gifts that would send any man questioning how deep his commitment is.

Ties / Razors / Other stuff he already owns

Growing up, every Christmas/Birthday/Valentine’s Day my dad always got the same thing from my mom — a tie. I don’t know how he put up with it. It’s the absolute laziest gift idea ever. Why not buy him some socks while you’re at it?


Wii Fit

It seems like a good gift idea. I mean, hey, guys like video games, right? And now they can play video games and exercise! Cool beans, right? In fact, this looks like something you can use, too. Perhaps you two can use it together and have lots of fun and lose weight, right? Liar! You bought this for yourself, admit it! You knew he would never use it and you were probably hoping he never would. Gift giving rule #1: Don’t buy gifts that are secretly meant for yourself.


Cutsy lovey-dovey stuff

We all know it’s wrong, but we seem to keep doing it anyway. There’s just something about the way that little stuffed panda looks while sitting on the shelf at Rite-Aid. It’s holding a heart-shaped pillow that say, “I Wove Wu!” How adorable! It totally incorporates everything you love about your sweetie, which is why you’re going to buy it, right? Don’t do it! What could a man do with a stuffed animal anyway besides hurl it out the window during a heated argument? No matter how cute it is, if your fiance is older than 9, don’t even think about it.

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  1. Tina T says:

    Very good list. I don’t where the idea of getting men a tie came from, but it’s about as exciting as giving a woman over mitts.

    One thing I can say in defense of women who never know what to get a guy (even after years of marriage) is that guys need to avoid buying everything that they want when they want. When they do that and a special occasion comes up there’s nothing left to buy them. Help us out guys, leave a few things on your wish list for us to get you!

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