Target Proposal Makes Woman Want Wedding at Target, too!


Jennifer, a mom of six, was doing her typical routine of shopping at Target. Little did she know that her boyfriend had a surprise planned.

When Jennifer heard her name over the intercom, she had no idea what was going on. When she entered the cafe area with her shopping basket, she just happened to look over and see her boyfriend on one knee, flowers beside him and ring box open for the proposal. Jennifer was in complete shock, but was so excited to accept.

So where did he get this idea? Jennifer, apparently, loves Target. She’ll be there four to five times a week doing shopping for her family, so it was a safe-bet for her boyfriend that she’d be ready to accept him in her favorite store. But now Jennifer doesn’t just want their engagement to have taken place in their local store– she wants their wedding there as well!

While I, personally, love Target… I’m not sure it’s the place I’d want to have a wedding. However, Jennifer is hoping her store will hop on board and allow the couple to plan their ceremony and such to take place in the store.

What do you think? Would you want your proposal and wedding to take place in your favorite store?



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Comments (1)


  1. Jennifer Hansen says:

    This is me! Thank you guys so much for posting! We are still trying to get Target to let us have our wedding there. We haven’t heard back from them yet. Please share with any and everyone to get this out there so hopefully they will say yes! :) Thank you guys so much!

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