The spookiest time of the year is right around the corner, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be romantic. Trust these real life people who were able to pull of heart-felt proposals on Halloween– and get the “YES!” they want!
1) Dress up like a man and ask him yourself
Who says guys can be the only ones doing the proposing? Ladies, why not take this opportunity to dress up like a man to ask your own man to marry you. He’ll not only be impressed by your costume, but also your guts!
2) Do it with a really cool couple’s costume
If you’re already dressed up like a famous couple, why not seal the deal with a proposal? Either make it public at a party like this couple or find a quiet place to do it. Either way, who can say no to Mario when you’re already dressed up as Princess Peach? (Skip ahead to minute 1:04)
3) Do something really cool with pumpkins
We already covered cool pumpkin proposals this month, but this one was super cute and caught on film. This guy filled his pumpkin with rose petals and attached the ring to the stem. She was so surprised by the rose petals she hardly noticed the ring! Super cute reaction!
Click here for more pumpkin proposals.