An Iceland Getaway Proposal


Eugene wanted to propose to Anna. More than that, he wanted to surprise her– which is apparently not easy. But after a month of planning, everything worked out beautifully.

The two were on a weeklong trip to Iceland, and at the very end of it they decided to take an unbelievable  helicopter tour. The tour included landing on top of the famous Eyjafjallajökull mountain that erupted in 2010. (If you recall, this caused flight cancellations in Europe and the U.S. that lasted for days.)

Eugene told the pilot of his plans, and when the time came to “pose for a picture” at the top of the mountain, the pilot was really shooting the video. Now the two have more than one moment for the occasion.

I love how Anna literally jumps when Eugene goes down on one knee, and pretty much doesn’t stop showing her excitement. That’s how we should all react to a proposal (or hope to get as a reaction). Am I right?



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