Camping Proposal Ideas


If you live in a part of the country where it’s not too hot to enjoy the outdoors, this time of year is perfect to go camping! If you’re an outdoorsy couple, this seems like the perfect opportunity for you to pop the big question. Whether it’s an intimate trip or one you’ve been looking forward to with friends and family, she’s bound to say yes next to the fire under the stars. Here are three ideas on how to propose while camping!

1. Campfire Serenade. Whether you play and sing or can recruit some friends to do it with/for you, there’s nothing like winding down and playing/making music at a camp fire. Rehearse your guys’ song, or even try your hand at composing one, and when the night is winding down surprise her with some music! If you’re in a group, there’s nothing wrong with bringing your friends or family in on it– as long as they can keep a secret! Don’t want your nerves to get the best of you after having some s’mores!

2. Sleep under the stars. Whoever said a tent was necessary for camping? If you’re not worried about creatures stirring, take the opportunity to sleep literally under the stars– sans tent. Hold her hand and look at the constellations and talk about your future together. When the moment is right, you’ll know it. I don’t think you have to get up and kneel on one knee, but just make sure she knows you’re serious– and that she can see that ring in the moonlight!

3. Sunrise, sunset. There is nothing more breath taking than watching the sun go down or up. Personally, I think sunrises are a little more breath taking. They are the beginning of another day, a fresh start, and opportunities. Why not take one of these moments, sitting somewhere with a wonderful view, and propose? Just make sure the ring is secure if you happen to be sitting on the side of a mountain.

Even if your camping trip goes all wrong, you can still find a way to make your proposal work. Trust me. The first time my husband took me camping it was in January and freezing cold. Somehow we ended up with no matches, and the batteries to his stove died during the night because it was so cold and we forgot to put them in the sleeping bag. It was a disaster, not to mention our hike back because we were actually backpacking. However, in the end, it makes an amazing story– and even the worst camping trip ever could make the most fantastic proposal story of all time.



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