I didnt’ Get the Engagement Ring I Wanted!


Chapter 3: When you had your heart set on a ring your fiancé couldn’t afford or just didn’t get:

You pinned all the rings onto your Pinterest board searching for the PERFECT one. You dropped hints by leaving magazines open on his coffee table, hoping he’d get the message. And when the moment comes—it’s perfect… except the ring wasn’t exactly what you envisioned. Unless your man actually says something along the lines of, “I wasn’t sure what you’d like so we can change it if you don’t like it” or “I couldn’t afford the ring you deserve so this is only temporary” keep your dissatisfaction to yourself. Sure, it’s your ring but it’s also his symbol of love to you. That’s the way you need to look at it: a symbol of his love and your future together. Don’t even confess to your closest girlfriends that you’re even slightly unhappy about your ring, because it’ll only fuel their fire which will feed into your own dissatisfaction. Instead, make a list of everything you do like about the ring, your future husband, your proposal, and your upcoming wedding. If after all that, you’re still miserable, grab some chocolate or hit a yoga class to try to find your inner Zen because at that point, it’s probably not the ring making you unhappy.

Things to avoid making it worse:

 – Lay on your bed while listening to the song, “Good bye my lover” on repeat
 – Wallpaper your fiance’s house with pictures of the ACTUAL ring you wanted
 – Pretend to lose your ring in a freak para-sailing accident (He ain’t gonna buy it…or buy you a new one)

By Nikki Roberti

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