Design your own engagement ring


Diamond Ideals

Kate Middleton’s engagement ring, which was Princess Diana’s engagement ring, was not picked out by Prince Charles, but by Diana! Yes, the woman who probably has the most traditional wedding in the world, picked out her own engagement ring with the royal jeweler, Garrard Jewelers, after Prince Charles proposed.

Ladies, you can even tell your man that you don’t want a ring if he ever wants to propose; you can tell him that you want to pick out the ring after he proposes. Trust me, this will take a lot of pressure of your boyfriend. So don’t be afraid to talk about designing your ring with your fiancé.

Designing your own engagement ring can add more sentimental value to your engagement ring by allowing you to put personal touches on the ring. You can add details that have special meaning to you and your fiancé. Imagine you and your fiancé being able to share with your friends and family that you designed your ring.

Of course, without the help of a professional jeweler, designing your own engagement ring might not be the best thing. Designing your own ring is a special and serious process that allows you to start your new family with its first heirloom.

Nicole Richie designed her own ring with jeweler Neil Lane. Nicole Richie, who has a jewelry line and is adored by fans because of her style, probably wouldn’t have liked a ring designed by her fiancé unless he was a couture designer. If you are a woman with unique style, design your own ring.

Designing your engagement ring is a fun and meaningful journey to your proposal. Once you know the shape of the diamond you want, your budget, and what type of setting, you are well on your way to getting the ideal engagement ring.

Sylvie Collection


Sylvie, Jewelry Designer, The Sylvie Collection, suggests that you get your finger size and the jeweler should take note if you have small or long hands. She says with “a wider shorter finger I always recommend a wider shank”. ” A girl that is really petite and that has a really petite hand, with small fingers, you normally want to put something that’s more delicate and has thinner shank,” she continued to explain.

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