Three 21st Century Book Quotes for Proposals


Books these days gain cult-like followers. Then again, I guess it’s always been that way. But when books are turned into shows or movies it gets even worse.

If you’re into the literature (or the screen versions) and your loved one is, too, then here’s a way to get her heart racing when she responds to your proposal.

1. My Khaleesi. Daenerys’ first love Drogo wasn’t always her “sun and stars”, but their romance really came to life on the page and on the screen. If you’ve followed the series, you may know they don’t exactly get a happy ending, but that doesn’t make it any less romantic if you propose to your girl using the phrase, “You are the moon of my life, let me be your sun and stars.”

2. Girl on fire. Who doesn’t love the back and forth love between Peeta and Katniss? Peeta is willing to give up everything for the girl he loves and waits, not really knowing if one day she’ll truly love him back or not. So while you’re on bended knee why not hold out the ring and say, “You love me. Real or not real?” To me, responding, “Real!” is something unique to share rather than your typical, “Yes!”

3. Okay will be our ‘always’. If you haven’t read John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars, well, you should. Some people may not dig the YA Lit section, but this is a love story that can pull on anyone’s heart strings. Even if you just see the movie, make sure to have tissues with you. If you’re not a wordy sort of guy, and your significant other has read this book, then simply saying I love you, kneeling down and saying, “Okay?” could make sparks fly. If you don’t believe you, you haven’t read the book.


Photo Credit: suziscribbles on etsy

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