Top 5 Most Dangerous Proposals


Sometimes grooms-to-be get a little over ambitious with their proposals. Maybe it’s the pressure out there to be the most creative or the most original proposal on the interwebs that’s causing these men to risk life and limb to ask the woman of their dreams to be their wife. But trust us, guys. She’d rather have you alive.

But regardless of whether or not it’s a good idea to be the Indiana Jones of marriage proposals, we thought we could share the top 5 most dangerous proposals we’ve seen.

1. The Kid Who Hid In the Ceiling
Yes, this young and in-love man decides to do something for his special girl while their at school. He sets up a table of rose petals and candles and even a crowd of their favorite friends (and supervising teacher, I assume). His plan? He’s going to descend from the ceiling (what teacher or faculty member would okay this decision?!) While the proposal looked fairly successful when he finally got down on one knee, getting there looked like someone was going to die. The boy BROKE the ceiling and knocked over the table with the LIT candles on them. Talk about fire hazard. If you’re going to plan something like this, maybe do a few test runs to see if it’ll work. Your lady will thank you for it.

2. The Man Who Jumped off a Building
We’ve shared this one with you all before, but it’s so EPIC that it must be shared again in this top 5 list. Plus this is a great example of a dangerous proposal planned RIGHT. The guy nonchalantly makes it look like he fell off of a building (apparently traumatizing the love of your life is a trend?). However, it ends really cute. He lands in a big inflatable safety pad (important: SAFETY FIRST) and has signs that say “Will You Marry Me!” Of course his lady had a good laugh once she realized he wasn’t dead.

3. The Guy Who Jumped Out of A Plane
Skydiving is fun and could even be a couple activity. This guy decided to surprise his soon-to-be fiancee by jumping out of a plane and holding up a banner that she could see from the ground. Was she surprised? Most definitely. Relieved he lived to see another day? You Betcha.

4. The Guy Who Set Himself On Fire
Yes, you read that correctly. This guy was so in love with his lady, his heart didn’t just burn with passion. It literally was set on fire. You have to see this one to believe it. The weirdest part though is that he set himself on fire AFTER she said, “Yes.”

5. The Guy Who Had a Sword Fight with his Wife-To-Be
This guy fought with his one true love in an epic sword fighting dual. Apparently it was choreographed,  but can you imagine if someone missed? Nothing like proposing while your lady is bleeding or missing an eye. Luckily everything went according to planned– evening her response!


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