A TV Show Proposal…on Hell’s Kitchen?


My husband and I LOVE cuddling up on the couch to watch Hell’s Kitchen. Sure, it’s a lot of yelling, bleeping out, and crying as chef’s cook til the death– but it’s a great show.

What I think is funny, is that apparently some gent thought that would be the perfect way to propose to his girlfriend. Nothing says romance like having dinner next to an open kitchen where a famous chef makes all the struggling chef’s cry.

However, this was surprisingly an awesome proposal.

My favorite part is that Gordan Ramsey really came out as the sweet guy he really his. My husband and I spend half of every episode of Hell’s Kitchen talking about how we are convinced that Chef Ramsey is a big teddy bear on the inside.

What get’s me is how this guy was able to coordinate it. He must be pretty brave to ask Chef Ramsey to let him in on his show for something special.

What do you think of this TV Show proposal?


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