How to have an injury-free proposal

Do not hide rings in food! Photo courtesy of Huffington Post.

Do not hide rings in food! Photo courtesy of Huffington Post.

With Valentines Day nearing, it’s easy to get carried away. I mean, after all, February is the month for romance. Why not go out on a limb and really add the wow-factor to your proposal, right?

Sure…just make sure you take these precautions so you don’t kill the romance– or the girl.

1) Do not hide the ring in food
Seriously, who thought this was romantic? First of all, it’s too pretty to be in food. Second, not only could your lady chip a tooth, she could choke on it and die. In 2009, a man hid a ring in his fiance’s Wendy’s frosty (seriously, buddy? At a Wendy’s too?). She ended up swallowing the ring and guess what, he proposed with the x-ray at the hospital. How romantic…

2) Do not surprise her in a semi-unstable place.
Girls can experience a wide array of emotions when a proposal happens. Some scream, some cry, some jump up and down and others faint. When picking a location, thinking about all of the above. If she faints, where will she land? Will you be able to catch her? If she jumps, will she injure herself? Think I’m being ridiculous? Think again. Watch the newscast below reporting on a woman who FELL DOWN A CLIFF after her boyfriend proposed. Hiker’s out there, beware.

3) Do not forget to check the weather
Sounds simple enough, right? Don’t neglect this detail. You could plan the most romantic, perfect and well-thought out proposal ever, but if you ignore Mother Nature, she could have other plans. One couple saw terrible tragedy when during a romantic walk on the beach, a 3-foot wave swept away the girl before the proposal. She was never seen again. Another couple went hiking during a storm in North Carolina. She was struck by lightning and killed before the proposal and he suffered burns. Please check the weather before proposing.

Have a happy and SAFE Valentines Day!


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