Going Halves on the Engagement Ring?


ugly-engagement-ringA  poster over at Fmylife.com, a site for cynics to share their frustrations with the world, posted an interesting dilemma:

“Today, my fiancé proposed to me. I was really excited until he asked, “Can we go halfsies on the ring?” FML

Ouch. What could be less romantic than that? But is asking to go half on the engagement ring really that bad, especially when so many young couples today no longer follow traditions?

Well, it depends.

The engagement ring is an important and costly investment, and for modern couples who favor splitting everything down the middle, splitting the cost of the engagement ring might seem like a fair solution. But here’s the catch: you both must be on the same page on this one.

You can’t ask your soon-to-be fiancee to pay for half of her engagement ring when she’s not the type to willingly pay for half of everything. If you want to know for sure, discuss this issue before the proposal. Make sure you both want the same things. If she says she’s willing to split the cost of all the rings (the engagement ring and both wedding bands), then going halves on the ring won’t seem like an epic failure on your part but more like a workable solution for the both of you.

But overall, the usual rule of thumb is to pay for the engagement ring yourself, cheapskate.

So, what do you think? Would you ever go halves on the engagement ring?

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Comments (3)


  1. allie says:

    If I was a control freak and there was a particular ring I absolutely wanted and I knew it wasn’t realistically within his budget, I would offer to go half on it. But, it’s tricky. I wouldn’t know how to approach him with that. It seems kind of rude on both sides. So, I don’t know. =/

  2. It seems very inconsiderate and shows a lack of commitment that he asked this during the engagement. I can understand talking about it before hand. Maybe he brought it up to the girl before and she said yes and he was just confirming. I hope there is more to the story because that sounds like lot of resentment created way to early in the marriage. Notice how he asked her to go halfsies after she said yes!

  3. Dani says:

    What does it matter what others think? If it makes sense for you and your relationship, split the cost. If not, then don’t. I am splitting the cost of mine as we are a team.

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