Man Grows Proposal in Lawn


lawn-marriage-proposalA Michigan man pulled off the perfect proposal when he grew the words “Will U Marry Me” in his lawn. According to to the Morning Sun, the 24-year-old wrote the message “Will U Marry Me” in fertilizer and then watered the fertilized areas frequently. The fertilized grass grew faster and greener than the surrounding grass. He then used a mower to carefully cut around the letters for maximum effect.

Once the message was done, he called out his girlfriend and asked her how the lawn looked. Needless to say, but she said yes. The couple is planning an August wedding.

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  1. venga says:

    Amazing! Creative proposals are the way to go. I recently got hitched, and I proposed with a video, which I posted at with an explanation — “I took her to a karaoke club (where I had set things up in advance) and we sang in a private room for a little while. Then, while she went out to grab us a couple of drinks, I cued this video up and hit play when she came back. And the rest is history!”

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