Is Facebook Oversharing Ruining Relationships?


An article at explorers a new issue rising in relationships lately — Facebook. Although there have been several articles and blog posts posted already about the trouble with relationship status updates, the article at dissects the issue with privacy and over sharing online, particularly when one couple wants privacy and the other can’t stop updating their Facebook with embarrassing info.

The article interviews several couples who explain how over sharing on Facebook affected their lives, including starting minor rifts between family members, co-workers and spouses.

Consider the case of Megan Kelley Hall, of Swampscott, and her husband. She’s a chatty author of young-adult books and a big social media user who proudly reports that she’s been accused of “oversharing’’ online. But, she says, it’s good for business. […] But other posts are rather personal, like this one from last Christmas:

‘Megan Kelley Hall wonders if making a Christmas gift list for my husband . . . is really worth it. Then again, when left to his own devices, I’ve received Bic pens, Beanie Babies mugs, Mad Libs, and socks.’

Her husband is not on Facebook and is very private, she said. Or at least he was. Now he’s the regular target of good-natured ribbing from relatives, neighbors, old college chums, and colleagues at his financial firm, who call or write telling him to get her better gifts, or taking her side in disagreements she’s shared online.

So where should the line be drawn? If your partner was over sharing intimate details about your relationship online, how would you handle it?

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