How technology Can Ruin Your Relationship (And How to Avoid It)


text-message-breakupThere’s an interesting article in The Times Online today. Jean Hannah Edelstein, author of Himglish and Females, wrote an article about how technology like Facebook, email, text messaging and Twitter is ruining relationships by not allowing couples to communicate clearly.

The writer used emails as an example of a form of communication that creates confusion through misinterpretation. The general consensus was that women over think too much when it comes to online communication while men don’t think enough. I started to agree with the article to an extent (especially the one about Twitter) but eventually realized the article relies too heavily on the stereotype that women are too worrisome and emotionally invested while men just float through life in a perpetual state of “Huh?”

But there are some simple dos and don’ts that couples need to remember when it comes to communicating online. Here are few quick tips:

Texting is best when it’s used for its original intention — to quickly inform someone of bite sized information. Anything beyond this is bad, bad, bad. Just avoid it.

There’s this thing at work my boss does when she asks us if we called someone. The conversation will go something like this:

Boss: “Did you call XYZ?”
Employee: “Yes.”
Boss: “Did you actually call them or email them?”
Employee: “Um…emailed.”

If you can have the conversation over the phone, then just call them.

What people need to realize about Twitter is that its charm lies within its light-heartedness. It’s not something you’re supposed to take too seriously. Anything that doesn’t skim the surface of superficiality doesn’t belong here. Take it elsewhere.

Changing your relationship status does not end a relationship. Be an adult and end it face-to-face.

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Comments (2)


  1. Tina T says:

    I’m glad that all this technology didn’t exist back when I was dating. I’m definitely a phone or face to face kind of communicator. I’d never heard of just changing your relationship status on Facebook to indicate that it’s over. Wow, that’s cold.

  2. engagement101mag says:

    I’ve seen articles published online where a reporter or blogger reports that XYZ broke up/divorced/separated from XYZ because they changed their Facebook status. It’s crazy.

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